Monday, March 27, 2017

Digital Notebooks

As a teacher and administrator, I have often been overwhelmed with paper in the past. However, discovering Microsoft OneNote, and before it Microsoft Binder, helped alleviate some of the stacks of paper. I have to admit that I keep almost everything OneNote, and I use ClassNote with my students as a means of sharing handouts, lessons, and other materials but also as a way of keeping track of all of their work. They take notes in it, turn in homework, manage projects, and work collaboratively during class and at home. It is a wonderful tool for managing all of the documentation associated with daily instruction, and the students enjoy it. OneNote for Teachers has many valuable tutorials for using OneNote in the classroom at If your school uses Google Classroom instead of Office 365 for Education, there is a digital notebook portion of their software as well.  

OneNote in education - Interactive guides. (n.d.). Retrieved March 27, 2017, from

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