Saturday, April 15, 2017

Changing the Traditional Classroom

In an article in eSchool News, Peter Weist compares the development in education to that of the development of the automobile. He points to the fact that a Model T served the purpose of transport, but improvements made the experience better for drivers. He compares education to this stating that the traditional classroom based mostly on direct instruction has and does work, but advances and technology can improve the performance of students dramatically. Many educators are resistant to change in education, but Weist points out that in order to advance education then they must embrace change. I believe that we must balance this keeping what is beneficial from the past and embracing what is new but proven to work. The main thing we need to do in Christian education is make sure that we evaluate all new ideas, theories, practices, and technology through a biblical lens before accepting and implementing it.

Read the article:

Weist, P. (2017, February 22). The traditional classroom works so why change it? Retrieved April 15, 2017, from

1 comment:

  1. I have never been real big on change. However,the world is constantly changing, so of course I have had to face change on several occasions over the past twenty five years! The one thing I know is that I tend to favor it more when it comes with training and guidance. It's hard for "older" teachers to give up on their methods, especially when they know so little about the new methods being adopted. Getting teachers to invest in the new ideas is the main way to make sure these ideas succeed in the classroom.


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