Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Computer Science Education for All

Education Week recently posted an article that seven states have created standards for computer science education in the K-12 environment with another eight states developing them. According to the article, the federal government under President Obama initiated a $4 billion initiative to develop computer science programs to meet the need of educating students in this essential skill. The goal is to develop a comprehensive computer science program and have these states share them as best practices with other states. This program will also focus on diversity and ensure that socioeconomic factors and gender will not effect access to technology.  In addition to learning how to use technology, students will learn how to properly discuss issues online and how to protect their privacy.

Read the article:

Zubrzycki, J. (2017, April 06). States all over the map on setting computer science policy. Retrieved April 18, 2017, from http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/curriculum/2017/04/computer_science_state_policy.html

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