Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Curriculum Change: Difficult but Necessary

In the National Association of Independent Schools newsletter, Jorgenson (2006) discusses why curriculum change is necessary for today’s independent and private schools. The children we are receiving as students today in private schools are much more complex and diverse in ability and development. Students today can present complex learning challenges like ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, family life issues. In addition, Jorgenson (2006) points out that independent and private schools have been less likely to follow prescribed curricula, lesson plans, and certifications in favor of academic freedom. However, Christian schools need to invest the time and resources to develop curriculum guides, plans, and detailed units in order to better identify instruction gaps or redundancies. Implementing this type of change focused on improved instruction for greater student achievement may also serve to motivate faculty to further evaluate what they are doing in the classroom and whether they are using effective planning and instructional strategies. Do you think that Christian schools have also been less assertive in establishing professional learning communities and is this a tool that could aid schools in the area of student diversity?

Read the article:

Jorgenson, O. (2006). Independent School Magazine. Retrieved April 18, 2017, from http://www.nais.org/Magazines-Newsletters/ISMagazine/Pages/Why-Curriculum-Change-Is-Difficult-and-Necessary.aspx

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