Saturday, April 1, 2017

Christians in America

In an article about a recent national survey of Christians, some very concerning statistics were discovered. I was most alarmed by the fact that only 30% of believers have a biblical worldview (Faith and lifestyle, 2017). As a Christian and a school administrator, I find this statistic troubling because the greatest impact on the life of students is their parents. If their parents lack a biblical worldview, then the one being taught to them through the explicit and implicit curriculum of the Christian school in is conflict with what they are being taught at home. This conflict of views between those of great influence can be extremely difficult for a child. I think that we truly need to pray for renewed commitment to following biblical principles from Christians in America.

Read the article:

Faith and lifestyle of born again Christians evaluated in extensive national survey. (n.d.). Retrieved April 02, 2017, from

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