Sunday, April 23, 2017

Ten Common Core Promoters Laughing All The Way To The Bank

We can often determine the motives and whose in charge by researching who is financially backing an idea, program, or initiative. Common Core has been a controversial issue, and there has been little recognition concerning the key players involved in developing these standards. In this article, the author goes through several of the top authors of the plan. Pullman (2015)  also explains that many of them have benefited financially by speaking on Common Core, training teachers how to use Common Core, and using their influence to receive financially advantageous jobs in government as well as education resource companies. Any time new educational initiatives are promoted we need to make sure that we diligently investigate who stands to profit from them and whether the motivation for the program is really increasing student achievement.

Read the article:

Pullman, J. (2015, January 08). Ten common core promoters laughing all the way to the bank. Retrieved April 24, 2017, from

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